What should your name be? Is your business or page name the right name? If you are any type of service business —- virtual assistant, photographer, interior designer, makeup artist, hair stylist then we highly encourage your name to be your name. I know, life changing advice here. This rule does not apply to a brick and mortar store! I firmly believe a place that has a physical location to point people gives the name and identity and space. So WHY do I say this for us service based people? Because of the power of word of mouth. You want what comes out of your clients and potentials clients mouth to be very clear. “I had my photos done by Captured Moments” and then the next question is “Who do I contact? Where do I go?” There is no connection to the person behind the business so now it feels like that.. a business and not a person.
Let’s think about some of the worlds famous artists. Vincent Van Gogh signs “VAN GOGH” and how much more valuable is that work now with his name on it? The name, the artist, is where the value is.
Also keep in mind a lot of the names people come up for their business actually are their why or their mission. Those are great mottos, tags and words to use in the business but do not have to be the actual business name. I always highly encourage people that their logo doesn’t have to say or show it all. Tiffany and Co. doesn’t say what it is but they have great brand representation.
Outside of artists or service based businesses we still encourage people to stay true to their three words, why and mission. The name should connect to a deeper meaning and passion to help tie a story and make the brand more memorable. There is so much in a name. For more tips on names and business starting check out some of our other blog posts.